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Working with Sara Lessmann was a blast. This animated film was so fun and funny. I was able to implement some great ideas into my cues. One of my favorite moments was sampling a huge pile of chapsticks and creating an instrument out of them. I incorporated this weird, spooky percussion instrument in one of the final cues. Since this film is currently on its film festival run I won’t spoil anything. Just know that in the climax of the film that weird feeling that's tickling your ears is me trying to creep you out! If you catch the film at one of the many film festivals this year I hope you enjoy!

Working with Maggie Levin and Ryan Nemeth was an amazing experience. With so many talented people working on this project it made it so easy to score. Maggie gave me a lot of freedom with the score which allowed me to create some great moments. One of my favorite cues I created for this is titled “aaadvocate” As the character continued to descend and the drugs took over so did the distortion on cue until everything is halted with a brief moment of clarity. After an amazing festival run the film is finally available on YouTube. I hope you enjoy!

It was truly a pleasure working with Ben Soto and his production team while scoring The Way Out Is Through. He gave me an incredible amount of freedom to bring his film to life. By far one of my favorite moments was when I took a knife to my guitar and tortured it as the character on screen was also being tortured. I got to invent some pretty wild sounds while scoring that night. I’ll always appreciate those moments of discovery. They had a great film festival run which garnered them film multiple best action short awards.

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